Wednesday, November 30, 2011

THE best idea ever!

A few days ago, I saw this blog by 1+1+1=1.  It was to make a Tot Notebook, and she also had a corresponding blog entry for a calendar notebook.

I thought it was a GREAT idea!  Some pages printed out--alphabet, numbers, phone number, etc.--and placed in thick page protectors in a binder.  Give the kids some dry erase markers and let them have fun!

Why didn't I think of this before???  Both of my boys LOVE their notebooks.  The younger one draws only on the letter "T" right now.  Because T is for train, of course! :)

We even went out to eat the other night, and I brought along 1 page from the notebooks for each kid, the markers and an eraser.  It was great kids entertainment!

And so then, I had another idea!!!

I'm usually a planner. Ok, not just usually.  Almost always.

I plan out our meals a week at a time, or 2 weeks at a time, if I'm feeling really creative!

I go to the local market once a week, when the fresh stuff comes in, and I buy all the fruits and veggies for a week. And so, I really need to plan ahead to make sure I know what I need to buy.

Well, I usually just use scrap pieces of paper and they are stuck all on the fridge.  Then I thought--what if I did myself a dry erase page?

Wa-lah!  I now have  a dry erase calendar page where I can plan out my meals for a week or 2, or even 3! This also works great for remembering how old the leftovers are, because I can see when I made that particular dish.

I LOVE my new way to organize my meal plans! And the idea for the notebooks and the calendar was SO cheap! (and I could actually find all of the materials here--a bonus!)

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